Muro terra interface agens
Synonyms Anglice
chemical proprietas
I, non-toxicus et rectam
II. Fortis permeability
III, princeps vinculum vires
IV, efficaciter solvere caementa lenis basi asperitas, putty pulveris et lateex pingere, wallpaper, cæmento adhaesionem et alia problems
Product Introduction and Features
Wall curing agent, is a kind of green environmental protection, high performance interface treatment material, the appearance is milky yellow emulsion, with excellent permeability, can fully infiltrate the wall base material surface, through glue bonding to make the base compacting, improve the interface Adhaesionem, amplio et cæmento aut putty et murum superficiem vinculum vires ne vacua tympanum. Metope vel idoneam et rasam putty ante basi pacto dispensando. Improve putty, LATEX Poena, Wallpaper, cæmento et cementum fortis compositum.
Sanded moenia, contignationibus
sarcina et onerariis
B. Hoc productum potest esse, 25kg, 200KG, 1000kGbarrrels
C. copia signati in refrigerium, sicco et ventilari loco domesticas. Containers sit arcte signatum post usum ante usum.
D. Hoc productum debet signari bene per translationem ne humorem, fortis alkali et acidum, pluvia et alia impudicitia a miscentes.